Hi friend! Welcome. If you landed here it is because you clicked on a link, were told about us by someone, or maybe typed in the URL from some literature or business card or material you picked up. But in truth, that's not why you here, that is how you are here. Why you are here is because you are seeking. You are looking for answers, maybe even THE answer. That's great, a lot of people these days are. But, to get us started and dive right in - what is truth?
One day I was spending some time with my then 8 year old son, we were talking - I forget about what now, and I replied to something he said - "That's very true." Immediately he came back- "Dad, there isn't a very true. It is either true or not. Something can't more true than it is." Amazing insight for an 8 year old. And you know he is right. I was floored as it hit me like a ton of bricks - that even my own manner of speaking has been compromised by the relativism of the day we live in. Let me explain.
"You speak your truth and I'll speak mine.....you do you, and I'll do me......be true to yourself....." These noble sounding phrases and others like them are all the rage, and they seek to have us to buy into a culture of inclusiveness. But in reality, as my son so eloquently pointed out - there can be only one truth. Across the board, in all things. In all of life. In politics ( yes I brought it up), in religion ( two for two on off limit topics at family functions!)
This presents us with a huge problem out of the gate. If we seek THE truth, we must be willing to give up our strongly held "truths" and open our minds to the possibility that what we have believed and followed, perhaps for our whole life, is NOT TRUE. OUCH. But that is what it will take, and to be truthful, that's a place not many are willing to go. But if you are open minded and still seeking, let's journey on my friend.